Konferencia MMS 2024
9.10 - 11.10.2024EAI MMS 2024 - 9th EAI International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems
The purpose of the 9th EAI International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems is to create a bridge between science and practice. We will bring together worldwide people from academia and industry and exchange ideas to strengthen cooperation in the area of innovation and high technology. The conference aims to identify the possibilities and future directions of development in science and technology and the challenges and problems associated with their implementation.
Konferencia Fabulous 2024
9.5 - 10.5.2024EAI FABULOUS 2024 - 8th EAI International Conference on Future Access Enablers of Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures
Ubiquitous and intelligent infrastructures are facing many challenges of features and emerging technologies and concepts in various domains that require addressing through scientific research activities as a first step for developing future technical solutions. Domains such as Smart environments, Cybersecurity, the Internet of things, and Critical infrastructure are one of the cutting-edge fields that call for research breakthroughs. Smart environments and the Internet of things are already well-known and widely used concepts that give space for research contributions in the development of new services, rising cybersecurity levels, and better management and optimization. On the opposite, quantum communication is the new cutting-edge concept that has the potential to significantly improve communication security, and its various application has yet to be explored.
Konferencia ARTEP 2024
7.2 - 9.2.2024EAI ARTEP 2024 - EAI International Conference on Automation and control in theory and practice
The aim of the sixteenth meeting of experts in the field of control, industrial automation and ICT in the industry from universities, colleges and practice is to draw attention to modern trends in the field, to enable experts, pedagogues and scientific researchers to present the results achieved in their work, to exchange experiences and establish working contacts between meeting participants.